sunnuntai 29. tammikuuta 2012

You were always there
Like a shining light
On my darkest days
You were there to guide me
And I miss you now
I wish you could see
Just how much your memory
Will always mean to me

In a blink of the night
I never got to say goodbye

Like shooting star
Flown across the room
So fast, so far
You were gone too soon
You're part of me
And I'll never be the same
Here without you
You were gone too soon

Tää on omistettu mun elämän enkelille
Ainoolle ihmiselle, jota oon koskaan rakastanu, enkä koskaan tuu rakastaa ketään enempää ku sua

Mi vida sin ti, es no vivir <\3

-R.I.P Sanni Ella Amanda Jokinen 25.4.1992-6.2.2011-

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