torstai 28. heinäkuuta 2011


I'm the chewing gum stuck to your sole
I'm the rain that soaks your trousers
I'm the crumbs in your bed
I'm the shoelace that breaks when you're in a hurry
I'm the rubbish you nforgot to put in the bin
I'm the person who forgets to listen when you talk
I'm the glob of toothpaste on your newly-washed sweater
I'm the song you can't get out of your head
I'm the monotonus sound that wakes you up when you take the morning off
I'm the clothes you've become tired of
I'm the wind that wrecks your hairdo
I'm the food with too many calories
I'm all the people that stare when you're feeling sad
I'm the headache the day after
I'm the telephone that rings when you've just fallen asleep
Will you still be my friend?

1 kommentti:

  1. Kiitti tost kommentist ^-^.. Hyvä jos kosketti.. Omakokemus... TääKIN on hieno (Even that I didn't understand EVERYthing.. But most of it ;))
